
Through the Ages


Geologic Time
4.6 Million B.C. -to- 2.6 Million B.C.
Stone Age
2.6 Million B.C. -to- 10,000 B.C.
10,000 B.C. -to- 8,000 B.C.
8,000 B.C. -to- 3,500 B.C.
Bronze Age
Early Bronze Age
3,500 B.C. -to- 2,000 B.C.
Middle Bronze Age
2,000 B.C. -to- 1,600 B.C.
Late Bronze Age
1,600 B.C. -to- 1,200 B.C.
Iron Age
1,200 B.C. -to- 500 B.C.
Classical Antiquity
500 B.C. -to- 500 A.D.
Byzantine Era
330 A.D. -to- 1453 A.D.
Middle Ages
500 A.D. -to- 1,500 A.D.
Age of Exploration
1,400 A.D. -to- 1,600 A.D.
Renaissance Period (Early Modern Age)
1,500 A.D -to- 1,750 A.D.
Late Modern Age
1,750 A.D. -to- 1945 A.D.
Age of Enlightment
1,688 A.D. -to- 1,789 A.D.
Age of Revolution
1,765 A.D. -to- 1,849 A.D.
Industrial Revolution
1,760 A.D. -to- 1,840 A.D.
Contemporary History
Within Living Memory

Reference points in history;

- Edict of Toleration - 311 A.D. - (AKA Edict of Serdica) Ended persecution of Christians.

- Edict of Milan - 313 A.D. - Made Christianity Legal

- 323 A.D. - Christianity became official religion of Rome 

- Edict of Theodosios - 380 A.D. - Made Nicene Christianity official religion 

Bible Archaeology

  Excerpt from upcoming book,
"200+ Archaeological Discovers." 
 A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical Archaeology.

... Coming late 2024 ...


“The written Christian scriptures, consisting of both the Old Testament which covers from creation to the birth of Jesus and the New Testament which covers the life of Jesus.”


“The study of human history through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.”

Bible Archaeology

“The study of archaeological findings dealing with people, cultures, and times in which the biblical texts were written.”


“Archeologists often find themselves hooted and hollered out of town, when they first suggest things like, ‘I’ve found Troy, or look, we’ve found Sodom and Gomorrah.’ But history has shown that in fact, the more you dig, the more you find. It's amazing how accurate the Bible sometimes turns out to be.”

Dr. Carole Fontaine

It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference.”

Dr. Nelson Glueck 

"Through the wealth of data uncovered by historical and archaeological research, we are able to measure the Bible's historical accuracy. In every case where its claims can thus be tested, the Bible proves to be accurate and reliable."

 Dr. Jack Cottrell

"There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament tradition."

 Dr. William F. Albright

"I know of no finding in archaeology that’s properly confirmed which is in opposition to the Scriptures. The Bible is the most accurate history textbook the world has ever seen."

 Dr Clifford Wilson

Through the Ages

  Geologic Time 4.6 Million B.C. -to- 2.6 Million B.C. Stone Age Palaeolithic 2.6 Million B.C. -to- 10,000 B.C. Mesolithic 10,000 B.C. -to- ...