
About this Website/Blog

Hello, and thank you for visiting my website. I hope you find it both enjoyable and educational. First let me say I am not a Bible scholar, I am a lay-person with a strong interest in the Bible and archaeology. I have combined these two interests, to some extent, in the creation of this site. I have studied the Bible for more than forty years and feel I am just scratching the surface. I am fascinated with the way the Books of the Bible, written over such a long period of time and by such a variety of authors, can come together to create a cohesive story. I love to research biblical topics especially when there are archaeological elements involved. I began this research just for fun and to expand my own knowledge. I then realized that others may benefit from this research and decided to write things down. This has turned into seven books on the Bible and more recently the creation of this website/blog.

I attempt to cover the topic of each post in some detail. It is impossible however, to cover literally any of these topics in a single or even multiple blog postings. For this reason I hope these posts will just be a starting point for you, a first step in your own journey to discover the Bible, or to expand your biblical knowledge. 

I welcome any feedback, comments and yes even criticisms. Because there are so many people out there who will post hateful and deceitful comments I have elected to moderate all comments before posting them to the website. This is to eliminate the hateful, racist and even cruel comments some non-believers attempt to post. I will post any comment that is on topic and logically addresses the subject matter of the post it is related to, even if I do not agree with it. I hope this does not prevent you from commenting and sharing your thoughts, but I feel it is a required precaution given todays world.

Also, if there is a topic you would like to see covered in a future post, please feel free to send it to me. I will do my best to respond to all request. 

You will also notice a number of ads/banners on this site. Yes, I do attempt to earn money from this blog/website. It takes a great deal of time and work to keep this website up to date and provide a somewhat constant stream of new posts. I attempt to limit the number of advertisements per past and on the overall website. All banners and advertisements should be on topic and non-offensive. I wish this was not necessary, but there are expenses involved and the ads help offset these costs.

Again, thank you for visiting, please leave a comment and if you enjoy the website, please consider Following the Blog to get new posts delivery directly to you. Thank you again, and God Bless.

Kevin McKinney

In the Beginning - The Age of the Earth

  How old is the Earth? The Universe? If you ask a scientist they will tell you the earth is just a little over 4.5 billion years old. On th...