
Read the New Testament in Just 37 Days

 The New Testament

The New Testament contains 27 books written by 8 different authors. It is the story of the conception, birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It also contains stories of the early church, the great missionary Paul and a prophecy of the last days. There are numerous different versions of the New Testament but most will take approximately the same amount of time to read. While there are some differences in which books make up the Old Testament in the Catholic and Protestant Bibles, both churches use the same 27 books of the New Testament. 

New Testament Reading Plan

While acknowledging everyone reads at different speeds, we will use the average reading speed for this plan. If you are a slow reader you may need to read just a little longer each day to finish in the planned 37 days. If you are a fast reader, you may need less time. For the average reader we ask for you to set aside 30 minutes (more or less) each day which you can devote to this plan. Some days will require just slightly more time, and a few days you will finish early. It would be best if your reading is done at a time and in an area where you are least likely to be interrupted or distracted.

Bible Reading Plan

Of course things happen and you may need to skip a day, perhaps more. That is fine, you can easily pick up where you left off. If you want to try to catch up that is fine as well, but you should not rush the process. You want to take your time and absorb the text. This plan is not so much about just getting the New Testament read and marked off your to-do list, it is about learning the story of Jesus' life and His earthly ministry. 

In total the New Testament should take the average reader 17.5 hours to complete. This plan calls for you to read approximately 30 minutes per day. Without breaks you should be able to complete the New Testament in about 35 days. We have built in some days off at key intervals so you don't feel rushed and to allow for reflection on what your have read before moving to the next section of the Bible. 

We have attempted to keep this as simple as possible. Your reading will always conclude at the end of a chapter or of the Book. Since some Books are longer you may spend several days in just one Book while on other days you may complete multiple books. We have not attempted to time this down to the minute by telling you to read to the end of a certain verse. Using chapter breaks is much easier and we feel it is better to absorb the material. If at all possible, please end your readings at the end of a chapter, as in most cases that will complete the authors thoughts and message on a specific topic. 

No hard and fast rules here. The goal is for you to relax and enjoy God's word and the story of Jesus' time here on earth. It truly is the greatest story ever told.

The Schedule

Day 1 -  Gospel - Matthew - Chapters 1 thru 5

Day 2 - Gospel - Matthew - Chapters 6 thru 11

Day 3 - Gospel - Matthew - Chapters 12 thru 17

Day 4 - Gospel - Matthew - Chapters 18 thru 23

Day 5 - Gospel - Matthew - Chapters 24 thru 28

Day 6 - Gospel - Mark - Chapters 1 thru 5

Day 7 - Gospel - Mark - Chapters 6 thru 11

Day 8 - Gospel - Mark - Chapters 12 thru 16

Day 9 - You are half way through the Gospels - Take a day off to reflect on what you have read thus far.

Day 10 - Gospel - Luke - Chapters 1 thru 5

Day 11 - Gospel - Luke - Chapters 6 thru 10

Day 12 - Gospel - Luke - Chapters 11 thru 15

Day 13 - Gospel - Luke - Chapters 16 thru 20

Day 14 - Gospel - Luke - Chapters 21 thru 24

Day 15 - Congratulations! - You have completed the Gospels - take the day off.

Day 16 - Acts of the Apostles - Chapters 1 thru 5

Day 17 - Acts of the Apostles - Chapters 6 thru 11

Day 18 - Acts of the Apostles - Chapters 12 thru 17

Day 19 - Acts of the Apostles - Chapters 18 thru 23

Day 20 - Acts of the Apostles - Chapters 24 thru 28

Day 21 - Letters - Romans - Chapters 1 thru 8

Day 22 - Letters - Romans - Chapters 9 thru 16

Day 23 - Letters - 1st Corinthians - Chapters 1 thru 8

Day 24 - Letters - 1st  Corinthians - Chapters 9 thru 16

Day 25 - Letters - 2nd Corinthians - Entire Letter

Day 26 - Letters - Galatians - Entire Letter

            - Letters - Ephesians - Entire Letter

Day 25 - Letters - Philippians - Entire Letter

            - Letters - Colossians - Entire Letter

Day 26 - Letters - 1st Thessalonians - Entire Letter

            - Letters - 2nd Thessalonians - Entire Letter

Day 27 - Letters - 1st Timothy - Entire Letter

            - Letters - 2nd Timothy - Entire Letter

Day 28 - Letters - Titus - Entire Letter

            - Letters - Philemon - Entire Letter

Day 29 - You have completed the Letters of Paul - Take a day to reflect on Paul's words and teachings.

Day 30 - Epistle - Hebrews - Chapters 1 thru 9

Day 31 - Epistle - Hebrews - Chapters 10 thru 13

            - Epistle - James - Entire Epistle

Day 32 - Epistle - 1st Peter - Entire Epistle

            - Epistle - 2nd Peter - Entire Epistle

Day 33 - Epistle - 1st John - Entire Epistle

            - Epistle - 2nd John - Entire Epistle

            - Epistle - 3rd John - Entire Epistle

Day 34 - Epistle - Jude - Entire Epistle

Day 35 - You have completed the Epistles - Take a day off before beginning the Final Book of the New Testament.

Day 36 - Prophecy - Revelation - Chapters 1 thru 11

Day 37 - Prophecy - Revelation - Chapter 12 thru 22

You have finished the New Testament - Congratulations! Now we encourage you to continue your study of God's word. There are many resources available to you in the form of books, films, and on-line courses. If you are anything like us you now have questions about what you have read. This is normal and to be expected. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Remember, Saint Paul told us to "question everything", so start your journey into the Bible, and enjoy, grow and share it with a friend.

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